Infuse Energy Reviews (100+ Verified)

Need verified customer reviews of Infuse Energy? We’ve got your back.

To provide you with objective information on electricity companies such as Infuse Energy, we compile reviews from major websites which don’t sell electricity (to reduce bias), and complaints statistics from government sources.

On this page, you will find links to over 100 certified Infuse reviews, as well as data from the Public Utility Commission of Texas.

Infuse Energy on Google Google Reviews
Infuse Energy Public Utility Commission of Texas Stats PUC Stats

At Home Energy Club, we pride ourselves on honesty and transparency. We vet each energy plan on our site using our TrustPlan process to protect you from bill surprises.

Check out other reviews of the best electricity providers in Texas, as well as additional information on Infuse Energy.

Infuse Energy Customer Reviews

Infuse Energy Ratings

To help you get the most robust picture of energy providers, we also assess a Home Energy Club (HEC) ratings for these companies.

We do this by analyzing customer statistics, ratings and reviews on dozens of electricity companies in Texas from independent review sites, government sites, and other sources.

Pairing this third party information with our staff’s expert insights, we determine an overall rating score for each energy provider. Infuse Energy’s HEC rating is a respectable 4.2 out of 5.

Infuse Energy has relatively good ratings for all of the reviewed categories. Their best reviewed category is transparency, with a 4.4. That said, they score well in most categories, with a 4.3 or more in four out of the five categories we rate them for.


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