Florida Power & Light Outages | Map | 800-468-8243

Looking for one-stop source of information in the event of a power outage? Below you will find details for Florida Power & Light (FPL) power outages and Florida weather information, including weather radar and forecasts.

If a power outage occurs in Southern/Eastern Florida or if you live in a major city like Miami, Fort Lauderdale, or Palm Beach, call Florida Power & Light’s outage number at 800-468-8243. You can also view the Florida Power & Light Outage Map for Florida, which displays a map of FPL’s service area, along with the number of customers impacted by the outage.

Please note that hurricane season typically occurs from June to November in Florida. You can read our hurricane preparation information in the hurricane section below.

Below you will find the best primary resources to view the status of Florida Power & Light outages in Florida and weather forecasts.

FPL Outage Map | Florida

As one of the largest electricity generators and distributors in Florida, Florida Power & Light is responsible for restoring power to businesses and homes along the eastern and southern coasts of Florida. The company serves over 5 million customers in Florida, and the FPL Power Outage Map provides additional information about their outage service.

The FPL Outage Map allows you to:

  • View the number and status of power outages based on your location
  • View the number of power outages based on counties
  • View FAQ’s regarding outages
  • View the number of homes and businesses without power, such as indicated by the following map:

Best Florida Weather Radar and Forecasts

Actions to Take in the Event of a Power Outage

  • Electrical surges that occur after power outages can damage your electronic devices, so it’s recommended to unplug all of your devices after a power outage occurs.
  • Keep your refrigerator and freezer shut at all times.
  • Check with your neighbors or others in your surrounding area to confirm the outage is not just at your home.
  • Attempt to find an electricity source for your power-dependent medical devices.
  • Go to another location in case of an immediate need for cooling or heating.

The first step you should take during a power outage is to disconnect all of your electronic devices until the outage is restored. Then, you should check the FPL Outage Map or download the Florida Power & Light App.  After you have completed the steps above, you should either stay in your home or move to an alternate location if you are in immediate need of cooling or heating.

If you own a generator, place it outside and keep it away from doors and windows. It is recommended that you should always have an extra supply of fuel that you can use for emergency purposes.

You should save the FPL outage number on your phone.  It would also be a smart idea to write the number on paper and keep it in a safe location. Don’t forget to follow the steps mentioned above if there’s an outage in your area.

Planning for Severe Weather or a Hurricane

There are important actions you can take to escape a hurricane in Florida.

  • Have a preparedness checklist
  • Since there may be regions not in the hurricane’s direct path that will still suffer significant damage, it’s a good idea to have phone numbers for areas across the state so you can coordinate with family members in other places.
  • Once the formation of a hurricane occurs, many people will rush to grocery stores and buy everything available. It’s recommended to stock up on non-perishable food items before hurricane season begins, and purchase items needed to keep your family and home safe.
  • Plan multiple escape routes in the event the main one is blocked.

Preparing the Outside of the Home

  • Drain swimming pools 6 to 12 inches of water, but be sure to not drain completely.
  • Have your roof inspected for loose shingles.
  • Install power outage lights that are battery operated.
  • Install hurricane shutters or board up windows with plywood.
  • Confirm all entry doors are rated to withstand hurricane-force winds.
  • Clear your home’s gutters of debris.
  • Brace garage doors with boards bolted to the door frame.
  • Bring in outdoor furniture, grills, decor, and other items that could get blown away.
  • Disconnect propane tanks and store them.

Readying the Inside of your Home

  • Place valuable objects as far from the floor as possible.
  • Buy freezer gel packs to supplement cubes.
  • Have crates and leashes ready for pets.
  • Close windows and lock them.
  • Keep all necessary supplies in a safe room with a power outage kit.
  • Fill the bathtub with water in case your water supply is cut off.
  • Fill plastic jugs and freeze them, then place in refrigerator to maintain cold temperatures.
  • Fill empty plastic jugs with water for drinking.

Protecting Your Food Supply

Due to a lack of climate control in the home after a power outage, food will perish quickly. It’s best to stock up on foods that don’t perish easily, and can be prepared with ease when the power is out. The refrigerator can protect food for at least four hours after the power goes out.

  • Unplug your appliances, devices, and equipment.
  • Consume perishables first when possible.
  • Don’t go into the refrigerator or freezer unless necessary to maintain temperatures.
  • Keep bottled water available.
  • Freeze foods prior to the hurricane that can be safely thawed later.
  • Put foods on high shelves to keep the food safe from floodwaters.
  • Throw away foods at risk of going bad quickly without refrigeration.

Regulated Electricity in Florida

Florida is a regulated electricity state, and Florida Power & Light has a monopoly in the areas that it services. In states such as Texas, which are de-regulated, customers have a choice of electric companies such as Cirro Energy, Gexa Energy, Reliant Energy, Champion Energy and Amigo Energy to provide competitive energy rates and plans.

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