Infinite Energy Gone from Texas. Best Options?

Infinite Energy Gone from Texas. Best Options?

Infinite Energy no longer offers new residential electricity enrollments in Texas. Even though Infinite Power is gone from Texas, there are many other great energy provider options for you to consider.

We currently offer rates and plans from some of the top energy providers in Texas.

You can compare electricity plans and rates from other top electricity companies by entering your zip code or reviewing the plans below.

Compare the Best Electric Companies in Texas

7 Gexa Energy Vetted Guaranteed Plans

Plan NamePlan LengthRate
Gexa Eco Saver Plus 12 Plan12 Months10.4 ¢/kWh
Gexa Eco Saver Plus 24 Plan24 Months10.4 ¢/kWh
Gexa Energy Saver 2424 Months16.9 ¢/kWh
Gexa Eco Saver Lite 1212 Months20 ¢/kWh
Gexa Eco Saver Advantage 1212 Months20.2 ¢/kWh
Gexa Eco Saver Premier 1212 Months20.4 ¢/kWh
Gexa Eco Saver Premier 2424 Months20.5 ¢/kWh
  • *Rates as of 01/30/2025 at 06:10 PM. Based on 1000 kWh in Oncor zone. Enter your zip code above for rates in your area.

Call Gexa (888-256-0552)

8 4Change Energy Plans & Rates

Plan NamePlan LengthRate
4Change - Maxx Saver Select 1212 Months10.4 ¢/kWh
4Change - Maxx Saver Select 2424 Months10.4 ¢/kWh
4Change - Charitable Saver 1212 Months13.7 ¢/kWh
4Change - One Rate 1212 Months15.7 ¢/kWh
4Change - One Rate 2424 Months15.9 ¢/kWh
4Change - Cash Money 1212 Months16.1 ¢/kWh
4Change - Power Maxx Saver 1212 Months18.2 ¢/kWh
4Change - Power Maxx Saver 2424 Months18.2 ¢/kWh
  • *Rates as of 01/30/2025 at 06:10 PM. Based on 1000 kWh in Oncor zone. Enter your zip code above for rates in your area.

Call 4Change (888-366-7291)

8 Frontier Energy Plans & Rates

Plan NamePlan LengthRate
Frontier - Frontier Saver Plus 12 Plan12 Months10.4 ¢/kWh
Frontier - Frontier Saver Plus 24 Plan24 Months10.4 ¢/kWh
Frontier - Frontier Budget Saver 1212 Months15.7 ¢/kWh
Frontier - Frontier Budget Saver 2424 Months15.7 ¢/kWh
Frontier - Frontier 3636 Months16.9 ¢/kWh
Frontier - Frontier Saver Value 1212 Months20 ¢/kWh
Frontier - Frontier Saver Premier 1212 Months20.4 ¢/kWh
Frontier - Frontier Saver Premier 2424 Months20.5 ¢/kWh
  • *Rates as of 01/30/2025 at 06:10 PM. Based on 1000 kWh in Oncor zone. Enter your zip code above for rates in your area.

Call Frontier (855-782-8379)

0 Reliant Energy Trusted Plans & Rates

Plan NamePlan LengthRate
  • *Rates as of 01/30/2025 at 06:10 PM. Based on 1000 kWh. Enter your zip code above for rates in your area.

Call Reliant (866-735-1218)


Infinite Energy Customer Service

Infinite Energy in Texas is no longer available, but offers plans in certain other states. You can find Infinite Energy plans in your state by using the contact information below to speak to Infinite Energy customer service.

If you are a current customer of Infinite Energy and have questions or need assistance, you can call the Infinite Energy phone number for customer service at (877) 604-3489. You can also email their customer service department by filling out their “contact us” digital form.

Infinite Energy Login

Access your Infinite Energy account online at the Infinite login.

See all deregulated cities in Texas.

Top Texas Deregulated Zip Codes

Enter your zip code to compare low energy rates in your area

Infinite Energy Frequently Asked Questions

Where to compare alternatives to Infinite Energy?

Compare energy plans, electricity rates and verified customer reviews and ratings on We are a different type of energy comparison site due to our quality control of energy providers and plans on the platform.

We vet each energy plan to protect you from gimmicks that cause bill surprises, and leverage our bargaining power with the best electric companies in Texas to offer you special low discount rates that are often less than the rates found on the energy providers’ own sites.

We use objective sources of information like the Public Utility Commission of Texas and Google Reviews, and you’ll see ratings results from our customer surveys with Amazon. Enter your zip code on Home Energy Club to compare rates in your area. And you’ll never pay a membership fee; by enrolling in plans on our site, you automatically become a member. 

Where does Infinite Energy operate?

Infinite Energy is a retail energy provider offering both electricity and natural gas, with service in many states. In some states, Infinite Energy provides home electricity, while in others states such as Georgia and Ohio, the company offers natural gas. The company stopped offering electricity in Texas. You can talk to Infinite Energy customer service by calling their number at 877-604-3489.

To compare plans and rates of other electric companies, enter your zip code on Home Energy Club for pricing in your area.

How can I contact Infinite Energy?

Contact Infinite Energy customer support by using the Infinite power electric company’s website contact form. You can send your queries by postal mail to: Infinite Energy, Attn: Customer Care, P.O. Box 71247, Charlotte, NC 28272-1247. Or, call the Infinite Energy customer service number at 877-604-3489 on Monday through Friday during business hours. For full information about Infinite Energy, visit



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