How the Texas Power Grid Works

Last Updated: February 28, 2025
Nathan Schluter is a content manager based in Houston, Texas, who has written professionally for a decade. A native Texan, Nathan specializes in helping consumers make informed purchasing decisions on complicated topics such as deregulated energy and energy efficiency. He learned the ins and outs of the deregulated energy sector in Texas, working alongside experts in the field, such as Frank Eakin. When he isn’t working, Nathan enjoys writing fiction, playing music, and exploring with his dog, Freya.
Frank Eakin
Reviewer Frank Eakin
Frank Eakin
Frank Eakin
Frank is an award-winning, nationally recognized energy industry expert, with a long and successful career in electricity and digital publishing. His has built industry-leading startups by developing first-to-market innovations combined with an obsession with quality and customer service. In 2011, he founded Electricity Club, which operates Home Energy Club and other energy platforms.

The Texas power grid consists of transmission systems, grid operators, electricity companies and thousands of miles of power lines. It provides energy to homes and businesses across the Lone Star State. However, the Texas power grid is just one portion of the larger U.S. grid, which comprises several interconnections.

Thanks to its vastness, the North American power grid is often called the largest machine on the planet. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) describes it as an engineering marvel, with its 9,200 generating units and a massive network of transmission lines spanning over 600,000 miles.

The Texas power grid is particularly unique, combining deregulated and regulated markets and being separated from the national grids. Thanks to its largely deregulated energy market, Texas electricity rates are lower than the national average.

How Does the Texas Power Grid Work?

A typical power grid has dozens of important components. However, three main components comprise the power grid at the higher level: generators, transmission systems and distribution systems. Let’s examine all three in some detail.

Electricity Generation

Electricity generation is the first step in supplying power through the grid to consumers. Texas uses various electricity generation plants, such as fossil fuels, coal-fired plants, and nuclear power plants, as well as a notable portion of renewable energy sources, particularly solar panels, wind energy and hydropower.

The power generation capacity of these plants is rated in megawatts (MW), and most generators can power thousands of homes. The electricity generated in these power systems is modified using transformers and fed to high-voltage transmission lines to carry it over long distances.

Transmission Systems

Electric transmission systems are like the veins and arteries of any power grid. They transmit high-voltage power through sophisticated cables from the point of generation to cities and towns.

Texas has an impressive transmission network that spans over 50,000 miles and connects communities throughout the state.

Distribution Networks

Higher voltage distribution lines carry this power to step-down substations where the power is “stepped down,” meaning the voltage gets reduced to make it usable in homes and businesses. System operators then supply that power through smaller, lower-voltage power lines. This last stage of power transmission is often also called the “last mile.”

The last mile is generally the most complex part of a distribution network, with demand-supply variations and other factors creating the need for constant monitoring. The final distribution networks are also subject to several modernization techniques to make the overall grid more reliable.

What Is the U.S. Power Grid Structure?

The U.S. power grid is divided into three parts: the Eastern Interconnection, the Western Interconnection and the Texas Interconnected System. The Eastern Interconnection serves states located East of the Rocky Mountain range, while the Western Interconnection serves those west of the Rockies. The Texas Interconnection, on the other hand, is a separate grid that serves most of Texas.

The Texas Interconnection (ERCOT) Grid

The Texas Interconnection is a grid system that manages 90% of the Texas power load. The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) manages the state’s grid to ensure seamless power supply to over 27 million customers. The primary functions of ERCOT include maintaining system reliability and competition in the wholesale and retail electricity market.

ERCOT maintains grid reliability by constantly monitoring demand and supply and taking measures to avoid major grid issues, such as supply shortages or failures. It is a membership-based non-profit organization that handles financial settlement for the competitive wholesale bulk-power market and administers retail switching for millions of customers.

Why Does Texas Have Its Own Grid?

Texas chose to have its own power grid to avoid federal regulations. The Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 allows the federal government to regulate power companies to avoid large monopolies or exorbitant prices. The federal government can also use the Act to break up a large utility company to ensure fairness of power delivery to the customers.

However, the Act and its regulations apply to power companies that buy and sell power in different states. Texas decided to have its own electric grid and have no interconnection with other states, avoiding federal regulations that came with the Public Utility Holding Company Act. A factor that helped Texas take this route was the abundance of natural resources, including coal, oil, gas and even renewable energy potential.

How Does the Texas Power Grid Differ From the Rest of the U.S.?

The Texas power grid is unique in more ways than one. It’s the only state with its own grid, and it also has a deregulated market in most areas. This means that customers in the state can choose which retail energy provider (REP) they want to purchase their energy from based on rates, customer service, plan perks and their personal energy needs.

Deregulation allows the providers to set their prices but also creates competition, avoiding monopolies and ultimately bringing down the average price of electricity.

How Does Deregulated Energy Work in Texas?

The deregulation of the energy market broke up monopoly utilities, creating a competitive market with three key entities: generators, light companies and utility companies. Generators create electricity using a range of fuel sources. Utility companies build, maintain and upgrade the state’s transmission infrastructure, including towers, cables, substations, transformers and more. Light companies then buy electricity in bulk on the wholesale market and sell it to consumers on a retail basis through a variety of plans, such as fixed-rate, variable-rate, green energy or time-of-use.

Pros and Cons of Deregulation

Deregulation offers benefits related to competition and pricing, but it also comes with certain drawbacks. Below is a list of the main pros and cons of deregulating energy:


  • Creates competition
  • Lowers pricing and improves service
  • Offers consumers the ability to switch providers


  • Choosing a provider can be confusing
  • Customers can be vulnerable to price hikes when companies are not regulated
  • The average energy rate may actually be higher than in regulated areas

Why Did The Power Grid in Texas Go Down in 2021?

The 2021 Texas grid failure is the largest power failure in Texas’ history. However, it is a complex event with multiple factors leading to it. The triggering factor was the extreme cold brought about by the winter storm Uri.

The Texas grid is not used to below-freezing temperatures like some Northern states, and several power plants did not have enough winterization to keep them working in the colder temperatures. The sub-freezing temperatures caused electricity generation, including wind and gas, to fall.

At the same time, the increased use of heating equipment in poorly insulated Texas homes significantly increased the demand on the state’s grid.

On top of that, the state’s independent grid severely restricted the amount of emergency power it could buy from neighboring states. All of these factors amplified the power shortage, resulting in massive blackouts that left millions of Texans without power. The extended blackouts across the state led to the loss of numerous human lives and billions of dollars.

What Are The Challenges Facing The Texas Power Grid?

The Texas power grid faces multiple challenges, with the most notable being grid failures in extreme weather and the complexity of balancing supply and demand.

Extreme weather events are the greatest culprit of grid failures nationwide, and Texas is no exception. Falling trees, branches, and other issues cause downed transmission, cutting off power to entire communities. A recent example of this is the winter storm of 2021, which led to 4.5 million homes without power and billions in property damage.

The state of Texas is taking steps to prevent another major power outage. It requires generators to be weatherized and implement better demand response programs.

Balancing Supply and Demand

Matching the electricity supply to its demand is a major challenge for any electric grid, but with Texas’ isolated grid, this becomes even more important. Large variations in demand and supply can result in skyrocketing electric rates, power cuts, and even voltage problems.

This is even more pronounced with the growth of renewable energy plants in the state. Unlike coal or gas-fired generators, renewable sources provide fluctuating amounts of energy and can be unpredictable at times. Thankfully, modern solutions are a lot more effective at balancing supply and demand.

What Is the Future of the Power Grid?

A variety of modern technologies are emerging in the power sector, including developments in electrical systems and computer software. Additionally, as the global climate changes and fossil pricing becomes more volatile, the power grid will also see rapid growth in the proportion of clean energy sources.

Smart Grid Technology

Smart grids use advanced, modern technology, such as sensors, communication devices and automation technologies, to improve grid efficiency and reliability. They are also better at identifying and troubleshooting issues.

Smart grids are faster to respond to power outages. They can also monitor demand and supply more efficiently, making renewable energy integration easier.

Renewable Energy Integration

The percentage of renewable energy in Texas’s energy mix has steadily grown and is expected to eventually surpass fossil-based sources. According to the Texas Comptroller, wind power currently makes up about 25% of the State’s fuel mix, while solar and nuclear power make up about 15%. Texas’ abundant natural resources make it a great place to adopt renewable energy, which also helps reduce the state’s carbon emissions.

However, the availability of renewable energy sources varies with the weather and time. Solar power is only available when the sun is shining, and wind power ceases when the wind stops blowing. Additionally, solar energy is typically available in greater quantities in summer than in winter. Through smart grid technology and the use of battery storage, however, we may be able to better integrate renewable energy sources into the Texas power grid.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Power Grid

What caused the Texas power grid failure in 2021?

The extreme winter storm of February 2021 resulted in freezing temperatures that rendered many of the electric generators inoperable due to insufficient weatherization.

Secondly, Texas’s isolated grid meant energy could not be readily imported from other states. Lastly, many of the thermal power plants were out of service for scheduled maintenance as the state expected milder temperatures.

How does deregulation affect electricity prices in Texas?

Energy market deregulation has lowered electricity prices in Texas by increasing competition in the state.

In the words of the economist Jay Zarnikau, ERCOT “is generally considered to be the most successful of the restructured retail electricity markets in North America. Customer switching rates are relatively high. Reliability has been maintained. The degree of competition in the retail sector is impressive.”

Can the Texas power grid connect to other grids during emergencies?

The Texas power grid is already connected to other American grids as well as Mexico. However, there is a limit on how much power it can borrow.

How is renewable energy changing the Texas power grid?

Over the past years, the percentage of renewable energy sources, particularly wind and solar energy, has significantly increased in the Texas energy mix. This has led to less reliance on fossil sources, helping combat climate issues. On the other hand, it has also created the need for better demand-supply balancing, given the varying nature of renewable sources. This is why the number of battery storage systems has also rapidly increased in recent years.