Renewable Energy and Solar Energy

Last Updated: March 20, 2025
Frank is an award-winning, nationally recognized energy industry expert, with a long and successful career in electricity and digital publishing. His has built industry-leading startups by developing first-to-market innovations combined with an obsession with quality and customer service. In 2011, he founded Electricity Club, which operates Home Energy Club and other energy platforms.
Nathan Schluter is a content manager based in Houston, Texas, who has written professionally for a decade. A native Texan, Nathan specializes in helping consumers make informed purchasing decisions on complicated topics such as deregulated energy and energy efficiency. He learned the ins and outs of the deregulated energy sector in Texas, working alongside experts in the field, such as Frank Eakin. When he isn’t working, Nathan enjoys writing fiction, playing music, and exploring with his dog, Freya.

As we continue to seek ways to mitigate the environmental impact of our energy consumption, solar energy benefits have become increasingly apparent. This clean and renewable source of power offers numerous advantages over traditional fossil fuels, making it an attractive option for homeowners and businesses alike.

In this guide, we’ll cover the basics of solar panels on your property and outline important considerations such as smart meters to maximize efficiency. Additionally, we’ll explore both the advantages and disadvantages of harnessing sunlight for electricity generation – from minimalist design esthetics to potential limitations based on geographic location.

For those who may not be ready or able to install their own solar systems, community-based projects offer an alternative means by which you can still reap many of the same benefits associated with residential installations. Finally, green energy plans provide eco-conscious consumers with another avenue for supporting renewable sources like wind or hydroelectric power in addition to or instead of building their own personal solar energy generation.

Table of Contents:

What is Solar Energy?

In simple terms, solar energy refers to the energy captured from sunlight and then converted into power to generate electricity. Advancements in solar-based technology have increased exponentially in the modern era due to the innovations of scientists, environmentalists, and engineers. According to a 2020 report from the International Energy Agency (IEA), solar energy is the fastest-growing renewable energy source globally.

Understanding Solar Energy

Solar power, a renewable and clean energy source, is capable of cutting costs on Texas electricity bills while shrinking your carbon footprint.

It’s captured from sunlight and converted into electricity through the use of photovoltaic solar panels.

Let’s dive deeper into how this process works.

The Science Behind Photovoltaic Solar Panels

Silicon cells in PV solar panels absorb photons from sunlight, liberating electrons to generate direct current (DC) energy collected by metal contacts.

When these photons hit the silicon atoms, they knock electrons loose, creating an electric current.

This direct current (DC) energy is then collected by metal contacts on the surface of each cell.

How Solar Inverters Convert DC to AC

To render the energy serviceable in our dwellings and gadgets, it must be transformed into alternating current (AC). That’s where solar inverters come in. These devices take the DC energy generated by PV panels and transform it into AC power compatible with our electrical grid system.

By harnessing solar energy efficiently, you can enjoy some of the best rates on Texas electricity plans while contributing positively to environmental sustainability.

Can Solar Energy Power My Home?

Technically, yes, but the process by which solar energy can power homes can be a little challenging. When solar panels collect energy, the panels don’t immediately turn this energy into electricity that you can use for your house.

The initial energy that the panels generate is direct current energy (DC). Direct current energy on its own cannot power your home or electric appliances. To do so, the energy has to travel through solar inverters. These devices convert the DC energy into alternating current energy (AC).

Most appliances found in a home use AC energy to operate. Together, these coordinated steps describe the photovoltaic effect process. This explanation illustrates how sunlight energy conversion works to provide electricity to the place you call home.

How Do Home Solar Panels Work With Grid Tied Systems?

Want to harness the power of the sun and supplement or provide full-house renewable energy? Here’s how to install solar panels at home:

To understand more about home solar panel installation, you need to know how solar panels affect your designated electricity grid. Homes that connect to the electricity grid use utility meters. Your house should have a Smart Meter, which was likely installed before you moved into the home. The meter functions by monitoring the energy consumption in your house, including the amount of energy your home’s solar panels generate.

You can send any surplus energy back to your area grid to make an exchange for credit if you consume less energy than your solar panels generate. Weather conditions can factor into how much credit you gain. For example, on a mostly cloudy day, your solar panels will likely produce less energy. Therefore, you can draw additional power from your local power grid to accommodate your home’s power needs.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy

Considering the pros and cons is a necessary step before taking advantage of solar energy, an efficient and renewable source of power that can be incorporated into your home design with sleek, unintrusive panels.

Sleek, Unintrusive Solar Panel Design

Modern solar panels are sleek and minimalist, blending in with your home’s design without being an eyesore.

Lower Utility Bills with Net Metering Programs

Net metering programs allow you to send excess electricity back to the grid, offsetting costs when your system isn’t producing enough power.

Efficiency Depends on Sunlight Availability and Location

Solar panel efficiency varies based on sunlight availability and geographic location, so it’s important to research your area’s weather conditions before going solar.

Community Solar Projects: A Brighter Future for All

Residential solar installations can be costly, but community-based initiatives offer a more affordable and inclusive option for harnessing the power of the sun.

How Community Solar Projects Work

Multiple households or businesses within a community share a centralized solar power system, with participants purchasing or leasing shares of the project to receive credits on their electricity bills based on their portion of the generated energy. Community Solar Programs are available and part of a growing shared economy.

Green Energy Plans for Eco-Conscious Consumers

Reduce your carbon footprint with green energy plans from your utility provider, sourcing power from renewable resources like wind and hydroelectricity.

What are green energy plans?

Green energy plans are electricity contracts that utilize clean, renewable sources to generate power, supporting sustainable technologies and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Comparing different types of renewable energy sources

  • Solar: Harnesses sunlight to produce electricity or heat water.
  • Wind: Converts kinetic energy from moving air into mechanical power for generating electricity.
  • Biomass: Refers to organic materials burned directly or converted into biofuels like ethanol or biodiesel.
  • Hydroelectricity: Uses flowing water through dams or other structures equipped with turbines to produce electric current.

Find the best rates on Texas green energy plans at Home Energy Club, a website providing comparison pricing for eco-conscious consumers.

Final Thoughts on Renewable Solar Energy in Texas

Solar energy is a sustainable and renewable source of power that can help homeowners in Texas save on utility costs.

By understanding the science behind photovoltaic panels and the installation process, consumers can make informed decisions about home solar systems.

Community solar projects offer an alternative option for those who may not be able to install panels on their own property.

While sunlight availability and geographic location can limit solar energy, green energy plans provide eco-conscious consumers with options beyond traditional fossil fuels.

These plans aren’t exclusive to solar energy, but green energy plans leave a lower environmental footprint. The Texas deregulated energy market provides various electricity providers with renewable and green energy plans that you can consider for your needs.

FAQs in Relation to Solar Energy Benefits

What are the Benefits of Solar Energy?

Solar energy is great for people and our planet because:

How Much Can I Expect To Pay For Solar Panels

While using solar energy has many benefits, it’s important to understand its limitations too. The most prominent limitation is that solar energy requires sunlight to collect sufficient amounts of solar power. On a cloudy day without much sunlight, you may not be able to gather enough solar energy needed for powering your home.

There’s also a reasonably substantial cost to have solar panels installed. The national average price for installing solar panels on a residential home can be between $15,000 to $21,000. This expense may not be one that many people can afford as an upfront cost.

Is Solar Energy Right For Me?

The answer to this question will ultimately depend on your needs, budget, and desire to transition into more green energy resources. However, you can make solar power a functional part of your home in several ways. Those who can afford the upfront fees and live in a home that can use solar panels may want to consider using solar energy.

Unfortunately, solar energy may not be a viable option for residents who rent, live in areas with substantial shade cover, or don’t have the budget to buy and install their solar panels.

Because of high solar installation costs, community solar projects have seen a rise in popularity in the nation. These community-based projects are local solar plants where several households share the generated solar energy. The use of these shared projects allows homeowners to benefit both environmentally and financially from using solar energy without the high upfront costs of buying the panels.