Amigo Energy® Reviews (1000+ Verified)

We recommend that you check Amigo light company reviews on multiple well-known review websites that don’t market electricity, such as Google and Yelp, where you’ll find over 1000 Amigo reviews combined.

Also, see our Amigo Energy rates and plans page, with background and details about the company. Amigo Energy customer satisfaction is an important aspect of their service.

For your convenience, we’ve assembled reviews on competing light companies on our Texas Light Companies Reviews main page.

Amigo Energy Special Deal: After checking Amigo Energy reviews below, you can use our exclusive Amigo Energy promo code Deal20 to access exclusive plans and deals.

Amigo Reviews on Google Reviews
Amigo Reviews on Yelp Houston Reviews
Dallas Reviews

Note that a disproportionate number of customers post an Amigo Energy review when they have a complaint rather than a positive experience. That’s why we believe it’s important to look for patterns in Amigo Energy customer comments rather than focusing on composite ratings.

Our unique Home Energy Club electricity rates comparison site vets each energy plan with our TrustPlan energy plan vetting process.

To reduce bias in our process, we use surveys of random Texas residents to learn their opinions of energy providers to assist us in deciding which electric companies to include and exclude on our site.

Moving to Texas? You’ll find info on the best Texas electric companies in Houston and electric companies in Dallas, and other valuable electricity-related information related to those cities, including EV charging stations. Check out our Texas cities page to learn more.

Amigo Energy Ratings

Amigo Energy Ratings score comes from gathering unbiased customer opinions on over 60 Texas electricity companies from independent review sites, the State of Texas Public Utility Commission Complaints Stats, the Better Business Bureau and other sources.

We combine this third party information with our staff’s expert opinions to score energy providers.

Amigo Energy has relatively good ratings on the reviewed categories compared to other Texas Energy providers, with a 4.4 out of 5 average score.

Amigo’s best rating is for plans and pricing with a 4.5 out of 5. Many Amigo Energy reviews highlight their strong points, including pricing and solid customer service.

Amigo Energy Customer Reviews


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