Discount Power® Reviews (1500+ Verified)

When searching for Discount Power Texas reviews, we’ve got you covered. We’ve collected live Discount Power reviews from independent third-party sources.

We recommend checking certified reviews on multiple, high-volume, established review websites that don’t market electricity and have no potential conflicts.

Google alone has over 1,500 Discount Power reviews making it a good starting point for your Discount Power review process.

Discount Power, a subsidiary of NRG Energy, is a well-established electricity company. You’ll find detailed information about the electric company on the Discount Power provider page.

For a more detailed dive into customer reviews, click on the links below for Discount reviews on major third party sites.

Discount Power on Google  Reviews
Discount Power on Yelp Reviews

Please note that often a disproportionate number of customers who post reviews about energy companies do so when they have had a bad experience. That means ratings may be skewed.

Consider patterns in customer comments rather than focusing on composite ratings.

Discount Power Ratings

To give you a more accurate picture of how viable an energy provider might be, we evaluate unbiased customer satisfaction data from independent review sources.

These sources include the State of Texas Public Utility Commission Complaints Stats, the Better Business Bureau (Discount Power BBB), and other sources.

With this information and our own energy expertise, we determine a rating score for each energy provider, such as Discount Power’s rating score below. Discount Power scores a 4.3 out of 5 in our HEC rating scores.

Discount Power has relatively good ratings on the reviewed categories when compared to other Texas Energy Provider rating scores.

This includes a 4.4 or higher in three out of five categories. These ratings contribute to the overall Discount Power Texas reviews. Discount Power’s best rating is for billing with a 4.5 out of 5 score.

Discount Power Customer Reviews

At Home Energy Club, we also collect reviews from multiple sources, which give a comprehensive look at what is Discount Power, as well as an overview of Discount Power BBB ratings.

After taking their reviews into account, you can compare energy plans right here at Home Energy Club. We only show vetted Texas electricity plans using our TrustPlan process to help you find the best electricity rates.

You can compare Discount energy plans to other brands by inputting your zip code on this page.


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