First Choice Power is Now Reliant
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First Choice Power is Now Reliant

First Choice Power was a Texas electric company with over a half century of servicing customers in the state. The First Choice name, sometimes written as 1st Choice Power, was retired following the company’s acquisition by the parent of Reliant Energy.

Existing customers of First Choice can call Reliant at 866-735-1218 for historical information regarding usage, billing, payment history and more.

0 Reliant Energy Trusted Plans & Rates - previously First Choice

Plan NamePlan LengthRate
  • *Rates as of 02/10/2025 at 10:35 AM. Based on 1000 kWh. Enter your zip code above for rates in your area.

Speak with a Reliant Energy operator for help in choosing an energy plan that fits your home at 866-735-1218.

Call Reliant (866-735-1218)

Because electricity rates have significantly dropped since last year, it may be beneficial to lock in low rates with multi-year contract terms.


Power Outages

Wondering who you should call instead of the power company to report an outage? Check out our helpful article explaining the difference between an energy provider and an energy transmission and distribution company (TDU).

Here are the TDUs in Texas:

  • Dallas-Fort Worth: Oncor: 888-313-4747
  • AEP: 866-223-8508
  • Houston: Centerpoint Energy: 800-332-7143
  • Texas New Mexico Power (TNMP): 888-866-7456
  • Sharyland Utilities: 800-545-4513


About First Choice Power

First Choice was a subsidiary of Direct Energy, which became part of the NRG family of companies. NRG is the parent of Reliant Energy, and offers a wide range of electricity plans.

See all deregulated cities in Texas.



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