San Jose | Electricity | Power Outages | 800-411-7343

Below you can view the best resources for San Jose Pacific Gas & Electric (PGE) power outages, weather forecast and radar, and wildfire updates. In California, wildfire season begins in May and ends in October.

If a power outage happens in San Jose, call PGE’s outage number at 800-743-5002. You can also view the PGE Outage Map for San Jose, which shows the quantity and location of power outages in and around San Jose.

San Jose Power Outages, Map & Severe Weather

As the transmission and distribution utility (TDU) in San Jose, Pacific Gas & Electric (PGE) is responsible for correcting power outages, maintaining electrical equipment, and providing energy services. PGE serves over 16 million consumers in San Jose and the surrounding area.

The PGE power outage map provides details regarding local service.

The PGE Outage Map allows you to:

  • View the number, cause, and status of power outages in your area of San Jose
  • Learn consumer service and emergency information
  • See the locations currently experiencing a power outage based on the following map:

Best San Jose Weather Radar and Forecasts

What to do in the Event of a Power Outage in San Jose?

  • Energy surges that occur after outages can damage your electronic devices, so you should unplug your devices after a power outage happens.
  • Keep your refrigerator and freezer closed during an outage to avoid food spoilage.
  • Speak to your neighbors to confirm the outage is not happening solely at your house.
  • Attempt to locate an energy source for any power-dependent medical devices.
  • Move to another location if you need cooling or heating.

When the power goes out you should disconnect all electronics, because when the power turns back on, electrical surges can permanently damage the devices. Next, check the San Jose Power Outage Map for the latest updates. You may also need to change locations if you are in immediate need of air conditioning. Individuals with small children or those living with the elderly should take extra care.

It is a good idea to write down the outage number, or save in your phone in case of an outage. The Pacific Gas and Electric outage number is 800-743-5002.

Protecting Your Food Supply

When a power outage occurs, food can perish quickly because there isn’t climate control in the refrigerator or the house. A refrigerator can only protect food for approximately 4 hours, so it’s important to stock up on nonperishable goods.

  • Eat perishable foods first when possible.
  • Throw away any foods at risk of spoiling quickly without refrigeration.
  • Don’t open the refrigerator or freezer unless necessary to help maintain temperatures.
  • Always keep bottled water available.
  • By dry ice at your local grocery store, if available.

It’s a good idea to store one gallon of water per person per day to have on hand. You may also want to put food into coolers with ice packs when the electricity is off to prevent food spoilage.

Solar Panels in California

Installing solar panels is a great way to prepare for a power outage. Solar panels in San Jose allow homeowners to become energy independent, meaning you won’t have to worry about power outages cutting your access to electricity. During high demand periods on the electricity grid, you won’t be subject to a reduced energy supply or rate spikes related to peak demand.

In addition to independence, homeowners can expect to reduce their energy bill by as much as half. Installation can also increase the value of your home, and government incentives are available to pay for the cost.

Solar panels also help reduce your carbon footprint, allowing you to play a part in fighting climate change.

Home Generators in California

Another way to prep for a potential power outage is by purchasing a home generator in San Jose. When an outage occurs, sophisticated generators turn on automatically, and if properly sized to the house, a generator can power most, if not all, of your electrical equipment. Once the power outage is through, generators will automatically turn off.

If you plan on using a generator, make sure to place it away from doors and windows.

Planning for a Wildfire and Extreme Heat

If you ever need to evacuate San Jose because of a wildfire or extreme heat, there are important steps you need to take.

Wildfire Preparation

Wildfires can be devastating for homes, surrounding areas, and the people affected. Below are some quick steps you can take before a wildfire occurs:

  • Clear leaves and debris from gutters, eaves, porches, and decks to help protect your home from igniting
  • Screen or box-in areas below porches or decks to prevent debris from accumulating, which could catch fire.
  • Because wildfires can spread to tree tops, you should prune trees in your area to keep the lowest branches at about 6-10 feet high.
  • Water your lawn frequently to keep it hydrated and prevent it from igniting easily.
  • Create an emergency plan such as building a first aid kit, creating an evacuation plan, and collecting important phone numbers.

Getting Ready for Extreme Heat

Due to the effects of climate change, temperatures in western states, including California, have been significantly rising. These extreme conditions can pose significant threats to everyone, but particularly vulnerable populations, such as the young and the elderly. Below are tips and information regarding what you can do during these times.

  • If possible, stay in an air-conditioned, indoor location.
  • Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.
  • Take cool showers to help cool down.
  • Limit your outdoor activity, especially during midday when the temperatures can be the hottest.
  • Wear and reapply sunscreen frequently to avoid sunburns.
  • Wear lightweight, loose-fitting, and light-colored clothing to help stay cool.

Regulated Electricity in California

California is a de-regulated electricity state, but in San Jose, the San Jose Pacific Gas & Electric is the sole electric company servicing the city. In states such as Texas, where most cities are de-regulated, customers have a choice of energy providers such as Cirro Energy, Gexa Energy, Reliant Energy, Chariot Energy and Amigo Energy to provide competitive electricity plans and rates.

Power Outage Maps for Pacific Area

City Power Outage Map Transmission & Distribution Utility (TDU) Servicing City
San Jose Outage Map Pacific Gas & Electric (PGE)
San Francisco Outage Map Pacific Gas & Electric (PGE)
Fresno Outage Map Pacific Gas & Electric (PGE)
Sacramento Outage Map Pacific Gas & Electric (PGE)
Oakland Outage Map Pacific Gas & Electric (PGE)
Bakersfield Outage Map Pacific Gas & Electric (PGE)
Stockton Outage Map Pacific Gas & Electric (PGE)
Fremont Outage Map Pacific Gas & Electric (PGE)
Modesto Outage Map Pacific Gas & Electric (PGE)
Salinas Outage Map Pacific Gas & Electric (PGE)


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